
Jessica Hope Combs Hudson

Help Jessica Hope Combs Hudson

Amount Requested: $ 1000

Location: Hendersonville

State: TN

Zip: 37075

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About Jessica Hope

My family includes myself, my husband and my 4 kids. 2 girls 2 boys. 15, 14, and 11 year old twins. We have been trying to find a home since 2021 and all.we get is denials. We are not looking for any money but for someone to help us into a 3 bedroom rental home. We have been working on our credit since we lost our home during covid in 2021. We were living with family on a temporary basis but have been denied 9 times by different places. We have had everything removed from our credit almost and our previous landlord whom we rented from for three year retaliated and violated our court order and put money on our credit report without being owed at all. The family member we live with has became very sick and we have to move asap and Noone will approve us. I can provide all paperwork to whom ever . I am disabled but work from home and my husband and I bring a good income. Can anyone please help my family. We lived in our last apt. Without even a noise complaint. I just need to find a home e we can get into if not for me for my children this is making it so hard for them .

Important information
Waiting Lists

Most low income apartments have waiting lists. Some of these lists can take years until you can be called for openings. The key is to try to get on as many waiting lists as possible.

Call The Apartments Directly

We provide phone numbers and websites. Call the apartments directly if they have openings or open waiting lists.

Apartment Rates

We provide current apartment rates on many listing pages. Most HUD listings do not have published rates. They are based on 30% of the renters adjustable gross income. You will need to contact the apartments to determine if you qualify for income based rent.

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