
gregory gomez meza

Help gregory gomez meza

Amount Requested: $ 2000

Location: Kennewick

State: WA

Zip: 99336

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About gregory

after we were scammed out of out apt. we lost everything including our rent, now with school starting we are staying in hotels and this has completely scarred my sons growth and moral, from the drug addicts who roam the hallways of the motels to the constant moving around has both of us scarred and tired. I can afford monthly rent ranging from 500 to 800 dollars. housing authority has helped with motels vouchers but they cannot help with that anymore. We need a place to call our own. with my sons asthma out in this heat and smoke hasnt helped and we are desperate for a decent roof over our head. my son needs a home so he can get up everyday as a normal child and go to school without worrying about where we will sleep at night! any help from private owners or rooms for rent will help us very much we need housing asap. I can work for housing or do just about anything that may be needed in exchange for housing. I am not asking for a handout I am begging for help. God bless and thank you for taking the time out to read our story

Important information
Waiting Lists

Most low income apartments have waiting lists. Some of these lists can take years until you can be called for openings. The key is to try to get on as many waiting lists as possible.

Call The Apartments Directly

We provide phone numbers and websites. Call the apartments directly if they have openings or open waiting lists.

Apartment Rates

We provide current apartment rates on many listing pages. Most HUD listings do not have published rates. They are based on 30% of the renters adjustable gross income. You will need to contact the apartments to determine if you qualify for income based rent.

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